< /Hello World >

</I make things>

Software Engineering Student.I love JavaScript & I have passion for web development, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

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Today's Quote from the Legend Elon Musk

"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor"

I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better. I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.

smaple image

Get To Know Me

Hi, my name is wahib. I am a software engineering student who loves building sophisticated web apps and learning about new technologies.
I love working on challenging projects because they motivate me to push myself to the limits.

Personal Projects

Professional Experience

June-August 2018 | Internship at Family Web Company, Casablanca, Morocco

Subject : Creation of a chatbot dedicated to cultural mediation

  • Developing the solution using Microsoft Azure Bot Services.
  • Integration of the NLP with Luis.AI to dynamize the BOT.
  • Coding the Bot with NodeJS and use it in server side.
  • Using HTTP for web transmission, Restful APIs, JSON,& Axios for accessing data.
  • Testing the chatbot with Bot Framework Emulator V4.

June-August 2017 | Internship at the IT departement in INPT, Rabat, Morocco

Subject : Building a Real-time chat web app

  • Using nodejs and express in server side.
  • Designing the UI with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, & JQuery.
  • Using Web sockets for bilateral exchange between client and server.

Personal Projects

Handwritten Digit Recognition Web application

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Recognizing Handwritten digits on the browser with TensorFlow.js

Facial recognition with python & OpenCV

Facial Recognition application

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Dynamic Chatbot with Azure Bot Framework Using Node.Js

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Creation of a chatbot dedicated to cultural mediation

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